EPIC Coalition

Mission Statement

Mobilizing community members and resources to support youth and families in building a safe, healthy, and drug-free lifestyle.

Substance abuse erodes the health and safety of our community. Child abuse and neglect, unemployment, poverty, crime, violence, avoidable medical care, homelessness, and overdoses are some of the devastating effects we have seen in our area. This is why effective prevention services are vital for our community.

More About Us
  • The reality of youth drug use defies all stereotypes. Youth drug use rates are more or less consistently high across all gender, racial and ethnic, income, and geographic boundaries. It is critically important that primary prevention efforts address all young people as well as the adults who influence them.  Being a part of EPIC allows me to be influential  to the quality of life and future of the youth of our community.
    Russ Meder
    MY Agency
  • I became a member of EPIC to pursue the goal of healthy children, ready to learn, in a safe school, with the objective that all child-serving organizations and agencies collaborate to ensure every child in need has access to and engagement in integrated substance use disorder and behavioral health services.

    Phyllis M. Cavens, MD
    Child and Adolescent Clinic

Partner with Us

In order to become a partner with the EPIC Coalition, please provide your information in the form below.

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