*** This is a two-part, free virtual training. The first session will take place Tuesday, December 14 from 4-6:30 pm. The second session will take place Wednesday 12/16 from 4-6:30 pm

Here is the link to register: Use Your Voice Registration

• How you can make a difference and become an effective advocate for what you’re passionate about

• How to build relationships with elected officials and their staff

• All about the legislative process, including connections to help you track issues

• How to include youth leaders in advocacy and policy development

This training is for youth interested in making a difference through advocacy and policy change.

Your workshop facilitators are youth who have experience in public speaking, working with decision-makers and government leaders.

Join students from across Washington State for a day of advocacy, networking, and fun! The day begins with a rally on the Capitol Steps of the South Portico. Participants will plan their meetings with legislators, tours of the Capitol campus, and lunch. Prevention is the clear choice in 2020!

As of January 1, 2020 it is illegal under Washington law to sell or give tobacco or vaping products to people under age 21. In March 2019 Washington State signed a bill to raise the legal sale age of tobacco and vapor products to 21 with a bipartisan vote of 33-12 in the Senate and 66-30 in the House of Representatives. Students pictured above with Representative Paul Harris, who received an award for his work on passing legislation to raise legal age to purchase tobacco to 21.

On December 5th, local youth leaders learned how to use their voices and advocate for policy change in the community and at the state level. Southwest Washington Coalitions, Student Assistant Professionals and Schools brought youth to this day long advocacy training. Students learned how laws are made, worked on public speaking skills and split into groups to craft messages on issues important to them. The groups discussed issues like whether flavored vaping products should be banned, bringing better mental health services into schools, how a community center could help students stay out of trouble and taking away the stigma of seeking help for mental health.

Join students from across Washington State for a day of advocacy, networking, and fun! The day begins with a rally on the Capitol Steps of the South Portico. Participants will plan their meetings with legislators, tours of the Capitol campus, and lunch. Prevention is the clear choice in 2020!

As of January 1, 2020 it is illegal under Washington law to sell or give tobacco or vaping products to people under age 21. In March 2019 Washington State signed a bill to raise the legal sale age of tobacco and vapor products to 21 with a bipartisan vote of 33-12 in the Senate and 66-30 in the House of Representatives. Students pictured above with Representative Paul Harris, who received an award for his work on passing legislation to raise legal age to purchase tobacco to 21.

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On December 5th, local youth leaders learned how to use their voices and advocate for policy change in the community and at the state level. Southwest Washington Coalitions, Student Assistant Professionals and Schools brought youth to this day long advocacy training. Students learned how laws are made, worked on public speaking skills and split into groups to craft messages on issues important to them. The groups discussed issues like whether flavored vaping products should be banned, bringing better mental health services into schools, how a community center could help students stay out of trouble and taking away the stigma of seeking help for mental health.

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